This was beautiful. Just a delight to read.

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Thank you, Alex!

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I’m so excited about the new newsletter Nicola, I have not been an avid Milton reader but I’d love to explore the nuances from your perspective.

I agree creative work can be exhausting if we attach the significant effort we put into the process to the demands of success the world puts on us. It is not always proportional in nature. Creativity is like harnessing chaos, like catching a lightning in a bottle, it is bound to create enormous mess but then as we keep on the path and travel further into our deeper spaces of awareness, we reach the point where, as you said, become conscious observers , merely noticing things in absence of thoughts and saying them exactly as they are without judgements. I think the whole process is meant to refine our awareness.

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I admit that I'm intentionally procrastinating on the Milton project because I know it will be super immersive once I get started. 😂

Conscious creativity is such a dilemma, as you say (⚡➡️🍶) and I think my worldview now is that to be creative with one's time and efforts, regardless of the tangible output, is the most natural way to be in the world. Any act that brings about that state of that refined awareness is creative on some level. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

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I second that world vie 100% . The creative exhaustion is real and if we force ourselves down that bartered road we are gonna cause only more damage. I feel like any time limitation we enforce on ourselves drives us away from our creative instincts and we end up creating confused form of our work. This is a stimulating conversation Nicola, thank you for this piece 💜

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Lovely to read your words again, Nicola. I've missed them.

Love this, "voice in consciousness that occasionally speaks".

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What a mutually joyous gift: for me to read you and you to read me. :-)

I always look forward to your posts.

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